Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dame Beyoncita!

Recently, I came across the lyric sheet for "Amor Gitano", a song Beyonce aka Beyoncita Knowlera did with Alejandro Fernandez for "Zorro: La Espada y la Rosa". Try as she might, she is not fluent in Spanish, nor can she read it so in order to record the song, it had to be written phonetically. Here are the excerpts.


Ven E kay-da-tay con-me-go
Dah-meh cora-zone
Vee-da me aye S-toy murry-endo lento me pris-ion

[Alejandro sings his verse]


Con-teego soy ca-paz dey low kay say-ah
No me em-pour-ta low kay ven-gah
Pour-kay yah say ah doan-dey voy

[Alejandro sings some ish]


Soy two he-ta-no
Two com-pan-yeah-ruh
La kay tay see-gay
La kay tay s-pear-ra
Voy ah keh-rare tay ah-un-ken me sah-ken L core-a-zone



E ah-un-ken dwell-ah low kay dwell-ah



Yo nah-see pa-rah twos oh-hoes
Pa-rah nah-dee-ay-mas
See-em-pray voy ah S-tar N two ca-me-no

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